PRP Hair Treatment

Revitalize Your Hair with PRP Therapy at Elite Hair Clinic

At Elite Hair Clinic, we specialise in using your own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to naturally stimulate hair growth and rejuvenation. PRP therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that harnesses the body’s own healing powers to encourage new hair growth and restore thickness and vitality to thinning hair. PRP Therapy can be applied during the FUE Procedure to provide an optimal result or as a stand-alone treatment.

What is PRP Therapy?

PRP is a powerful, naturally occurring component derived from your own blood. It contains a high concentration of platelets, which release essential growth factors when activated. These growth factors are crucial for stimulating hair follicles, enhancing blood supply, and promoting new tissue growth—key elements for achieving thicker, healthier hair.

Why Choose Elite Hair Clinic’s PRP Centrifuge System?

Our state-of-the-art PRP centrifuge system is designed to extract and concentrate the maximum number of regenerative growth factors and mononuclear cells from your blood. This ensures that you receive the most effective PRP treatment available, with optimal therapeutic quantities to promote hair growth.

The Benefits of PRP for Hair Restoration

Natural and Safe: Since PRP uses your own blood, there is no risk of allergic reactions or cross-contamination. It’s a completely natural way to rejuvenate your hair.

Effective Results: PRP therapy has been scientifically proven to enhance tissue growth and improve blood supply, leading to significant hair regrowth and increased hair density.

Quick and Convenient: The entire PRP process, from blood draw to injection, is completed within a single appointment, typically taking around 20-25 minutes.

How Does PRP Work for Hair Restoration?

Blood Collection: A small sample of your blood is drawn and processed using our advanced centrifuge system to concentrate the platelets.

PRP Extraction: The PRP, rich in growth factors, is carefully extracted and prepared for injection.

PRP Injection: The PRP is injected into the scalp areas that need rejuvenation, stimulating hair follicles and promoting new growth.

What Can You Expect?

Patients typically notice an improvement in hair texture and growth within 3-6 weeks, with continued progress for up to 6 months. Results can vary based on individual health factors, age, diet, and overall lifestyle.

Is PRP Therapy Safe?

Yes, PRP therapy is extremely safe. As it uses your own blood, there are no foreign substances involved. The procedure is minimally invasive, with temporary side effects such as slight swelling or redness, which resolve quickly.

Comfort and Care at Elite Hair Clinic

Our experienced clinicians ensure your comfort throughout the procedure, using topical anesthesia to minimize any discomfort. Post-treatment care instructions will be provided to enhance your recovery and results.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Take the first step towards thicker, healthier hair with PRP therapy at Elite Hair Clinic. Contact us to schedule your consultation and learn how our innovative treatments can help you achieve your hair restoration goals.


The procedure generally spans a full day. We advise our patients to arrive at 7:15 AM with a full or light stomach.

Unlike other clinics, we actually prefer our patients to stay conscious during the procedure. This allows ongoing communication with our team, creating a more engaged and comfortable experience.

Not at all! Besides the mild discomfort during the application of the initial local anaesthetic, the entire process should be smooth and pain-free.

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