Crown Restoration

Understanding crown hair restoration


The crown, the pivotal region of our scalp, plays a defining role in our hair’s overall appearance. Its health and fullness can dramatically influence our appearance, impacting our self-esteem and how we present ourselves to the world. But when thinning occurs, it can change our entire aesthetic. Crown restoration is about reclaiming that confidence, giving you back the fullness you deserve.

Getting to the root of crown bald spots


We get it. Noticing a bald spot in the crown area can be a bit unsettling. Let’s break down some of the usual suspects behind this.

  • It’s in the genes

If your family tree has a few instances of crown balding, there’s a chance you’ve inherited the trait. Genetics can be quirky like that.

  • Hormonal rollercoasters

Those hormones, right? Especially one called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which can throw a wrench in your hair’s growth, leading to some thinning up top.

  • Stress sneaking up

Physical or emotional stress can sometimes lead to hair loss, including in the crown area. Events like surgeries, major illnesses or significant life changes can trigger such reactions.

  • Meds and side effects

Some medications might have hair loss listed in the fine print. If you’re connecting the dots between a new med and hair changes, it’s worth chatting with your doctor.

  • Underlying health conditions

From conditions like alopecia to some sneaky scalp issues, there are a few health-related reasons that might be playing a part in that crown bald spot.

  • Poor nutrition

Your hair’s a fan of good nutrition. If you’re missing out on some key nutrients, it might just show in your hair’s health.

Crafting the perfect crown


In the expansive field of hair restoration, crown restoration has its own set of distinct challenges. Beyond filling in areas, it’s crucial to recognise the crown’s specific growth patterns and visibility from different angles. Spotting thinning in the crown as early as possible is key, as it’s often easier to manage and treat during the initial stages. The crown requires a specialised approach that combines deep expertise with a sharp aesthetic eye.

What you can expect from the procedure


Your trust means the world to us here at Elite Hair Clinic. Recognising the personal nature of crown hair restoration and the concerns it might bring, we are dedicated to keeping you well-informed and at ease throughout the process. From the first consultation to the follow-up care, our team will be beside you, guaranteeing a supportive and reassuring experience at each phase.

  • Getting ready

Before diving into the restoration process, ensuring the scalp and existing hair are in optimal condition is crucial. This might involve specific treatments, medications or routines to strengthen the hair and create a conducive environment for the upcoming procedure.

  • The restoration process

Harnessing advanced techniques and a keen eye for detail, our experts meticulously place each follicle in the crown area. The goal is to ensure each implant aligns perfectly with the natural growth direction, creating a seamless and harmonious blend with the surrounding hair.

  • Nurturing your new crown

The journey doesn’t end once the procedure is complete. Proper aftercare is essential to ensure the newly restored crown thrives. We provide comprehensive guidance, from immediate post-procedure care to long-term maintenance, ensuring your crown remains vibrant and healthy.

Take the next step with Elite Hair Clinic


Considering crown hair restoration? It’s a big step, but it’s all about feeling good and rocking that full-haired look. At Elite Hair Clinic, we’re here to support that journey. We offer a space where you can ask questions, understand your options and feel confident about your choices.

Interested in a broader look at our services or curious about the investment? Click here for a comprehensive overview. Our before and after gallery provides a clear picture of the transformations we’ve proudly facilitated. When you’re ready to explore the possibilities and set a course for your hair’s rejuvenation, just reach out. We’re here to guide you towards achieving your hair goals.


What is crown hair restoration?

Crown restoration is a specialised procedure aimed at addressing hair loss, specifically in the crown area of the scalp. Using advanced techniques, experts transplant hair follicles to the crown to restore its fullness and density, enhancing the overall appearance.

While the fundamental technique of transplanting hair follicles is consistent in both procedures, the approach varies based on the treatment area. The crown has a unique spiral growth pattern and is visible from multiple angles. Crown hair restoration requires meticulous placement of follicles to match this natural pattern, ensuring a seamless blend. In contrast, frontal or full-scalp transplantation focuses on areas with different growth directions and aesthetic considerations.

Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Local anaesthesia is administered to numb the area, ensuring the process is as pain-free as possible. Some mild soreness or tightness might be felt post-procedure, but this typically subsides within a few days.

At Elite Hair Clinic, we employ state-of-the-art techniques designed to minimise scarring. While any surgical procedure may leave some form of a scar, our methods aim to make them virtually undetectable. Over time, with proper care, any minor scarring becomes even less noticeable.

So you’ve taken the leap with crown restoration — that’s fantastic! Now, the next step is to keep that newly restored hair looking its best. Here’s a quick guide to help you out.

  • Post-procedure care — Stick to the care tips your specialist gives you. This could mean washing your hair gently, staying out of the sun for a bit or taking it easy on certain activities.
  • Choose gentle hair products — Think about using shampoos and conditioners without sulphates. Plus, it’s a good idea to steer clear of products with ingredients that might be tough on your hair, like parabens, phthalates and strong fragrances.
  • Handle with care — Avoid hairstyles that exert excessive tension on your hair. When brushing, a wide-tooth comb can be beneficial, especially when working through tangles.
  • Stay updated — The field of hair care is continually advancing. Regular consultations with your specialist can keep you informed about the latest beneficial practices and products.
  • Healthy living — A nutritious diet, proper hydration and abstaining from smoking can significantly benefit your hair’s health. Additionally, managing stress through relaxation techniques or regular exercise can further contribute to maintaining your hair’s well-being.

Remember, it’s all about giving your hair a little love and attention. By following these tips, you’re on your way to keeping that crown looking top-notch!

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Results from hair transplant procedures will vary from patient to patient. Individual outcomes depend on various factors, including the patient’s health, hair type, and adherence to post-procedure care instructions. The before and after images on our website are provided for illustrative purposes and do not guarantee similar results for every patient.