Hair Transplant procedures have been a leading cosmetic procedure for a permanent solution for hair loss. Not only does a Hair Transplant provide natural looking results, but it also provides both men and women with the confidence of a new head of hair.

A hair transplantation procedure can be performed in two ways; FUE (follicular unit extraction), and FUT (follicular unit transplantation). The main difference between FUE and FUT is in the way the hair follicles are extracted from the donor area.

In an FUE Hair Transplant, each follicle is extracted individually from the scalp using a handheld machine. Magnifiers are used to assess the density of the follicles, and the strongest, densest follicles are extracted for optimum results.

The great thing about FUE is it is the most non-invasive form of Hair Transplant compared to the FUT. With an FUE procedure there is virtually no scarring, and the donor area isn’t depleted and leaving clients with a large horizontal scar.

There are no stitches required with an FUE, and no scar left to heal. FUE procedures are renowned for having a quick healing time, less post-procedural discomfort, and significantly less discomfort during the procedure compared to FUT.

With an FUE procedure, tiny puncture marks are made to extract the follicles. These puncture marks do not scar and tend to heal within a few days.

The FUT process is a lot more invasive than FUE. It involves removing a strip of tissue from the donor area, where it is then manually sliced, by a team of skilled technicians, to cut the hair follicles into grafts. In cases of severe hair loss, FUT is the preferred method as it allows the technicians to utilize the entire donor area, therefore allowing for greater numbers of grafts to be transplanted in a single session. FUT also has a slightly higher success rate compared to FUE, for this reason. With FUE, a larger area of donor is required for larger graft numbers.

The downside to FUT is patients report higher levels of discomfort, due to swelling around the donor area, and the long healing time required. FUT also leaves a linear scar across the back of the head where the strip of tissue was taken from. This scar may stretch over time due to poor skin elasticity.

Both methods of hair transplantation are highly successful and provide amazing, lifelong results. Both techniques are relatively simple and do not require general anaesthetic. Clients are anesthetised with local anaesthetic and a mild sedative. Patients can return to work after as little as one week! For both hair transplants, full results can often be seen by 6-12 months.

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Results from hair transplant procedures will vary from patient to patient. Individual outcomes depend on various factors, including the patient’s health, hair type, and adherence to post-procedure care instructions. The before and after images on our website are provided for illustrative purposes and do not guarantee similar results for every patient.