FUE Hair Transplant Specialists

Be Bold. Not Bald

At Elite Hair Clinic, our highly trained staff has over 25 years’ experience in FUE Hair Transplant in Sydney, treating hair loss and providing hair restoration solutions. Our hair clinic combines advanced techniques and personalised care, ensuring the success of your hair regrowth journey.

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We are FUE Hair Transplant Specialists

Hair There!

At Elite Hair Clinic, our highly trained staff have over 25 years’ experience in FUE Hair Transplant in Sydney treating hair loss and providing hair restoration solutions.

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What we do best

Our Services

Elite Hair Clinic prices are very competitive, if not the best in the country. You will be surprised how affordable a hair transplant is in Australia.

Reduce your fivehead to a forehead and fill in the front of your scalp. The temporal arch area is the curved and slightly elevated region on the sides of the forehead near the temples. Hair loss in the temporal arches can be a result of ageing, genetics and hormonal changes.

The bit at the back that you can’t see (but everyone else can!). The crown, or ‘vertex,’ atop your head, often requires more hair in transplants than the frontal area due to the unique viewpoint. This angle necessitates a higher hair density for natural-looking results.

Achieve the beard you’ve always wanted! Our cutting-edge hair transplant procedures ensure fuller facial hair that will boost your confidence.

Correcting those microblading or early beauty faux pas before the bush was back in vogue. With our personalised approach and expert touch, we strive to ensure you look and feel your absolute best.

Revitalise your confidence and achieve a natural fuller hairline! Our hair clinic specialises in safe, minimally invasive transplants, preferable for women post-childbirth or who have always had frontal thinning. 

Address and reverse receding hairlines with our tailored solutions. We excel in precise and effective hairline reconstruction that suits your unique needs.

Worn a tight bun for too long? We have the right treatment for you, ladies and gents. Traction alopecia, stemming from tight hairstyles and improper hair care, may result in scarring and permanent hair loss. Our hair clinic is dedicated to helping you reverse its effects and guiding you on the path to recovery. 

To our LGBTIQA+ community, we’re here to help as much as we can. Our hair transplants are designed to make your transition as seamless and empowering as possible.

Contact us for a custom quote

Combat hair loss and embrace a confident new you!

Embark on a hair restoration journey tailored just for you! We’ve worked on countless hair transformations, addressing diverse types of hair thinning and balding. Count on our specialists to analyse your unique needs and hair loss history for optimal results. Contact us for a custom quote.

Discover the transformative benefits of FUE hair transplants

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally invasive method that aims to address different types of hair loss. The process entails harvesting individual hair follicles from donor areas, such as the chest, beard and the back and sides of the head, where hair is thickest. 

The doctor makes small incisions or holes where the new grafts will be implanted. Each carefully extracted follicular unit is then delicately placed into these openings.

Once the transplanted skin heals, expect continuous hair growth in the previously balding area.

• Increased hair thickness

FUE hair transplants follow a precise harvesting technique that lessens trauma to your follicles, promoting thicker and healthier strands.

• Reduced risk of scarring

FUE eliminates the need for stitches and the risk of scarring. At most, it leaves tiny, dot-like scars that are virtually invisible, even with short hair or a closely shaved head.

FUE hair transplants yield outstanding results, with rare occurrences of complications. Any discomfort or noticeable signs of the procedure typically diminish within a week, ensuring a swift and seamless healing process. 

• Minimal downtime

Recovery time is quick, causing minimal disruption to your daily life. Generally, our clients can resume light activities within a week and return to their regular routines within a month. This rapid recovery period ensures a smooth and painless transition.

• Flexibility in donor areas

FUE hair transplants give doctors the flexibility to harvest hair follicles from various areas like the scalp or beard. We select the most suitable donor site based on your individual needs, ensuring personalised and effective hair restoration.

Redefine your hair regrowth journey at Elite Hair Clinic

• Tailored treatment plans

Hair regrowth varies for every person. That’s why we evaluate each client’s unique hair loss pattern, goals and medical history. This allows us to craft tailored plans that bring long-lasting results.

• Top-notch expertise and experience

Our hair clinic comprises seasoned specialists, ranging from adept doctors to expert technicians. We stay abreast of the latest techniques and technologies in the field, ensuring you receive safe and effective treatments. 

• State-of-the-art facilities

We use advanced medical equipment and create comfortable spaces to ensure your procedure is safe and efficient. Having the latest technology not only makes the process safer, but also improves the accuracy and success of our hair transplants. 

• Safe and painless procedures

Your safety is our top priority. From pre-operative assessments to post-operative care, we ensure your comfort and well-being at every stage. Trust us to adhere to strict medical standards and guidelines to minimise any complications.

Elite Hair Clinic employs techniques aimed at minimising discomfort. Our approach enables clients to stay fully conscious and engage with our transplant team during the treatment.

• Affordable and flexible pricing

We believe hair transplants should be available to all. We’ve partnered with The Lifestyle Credit (TLC) to make hair loss treatments both budget-friendly and hassle-free.

Our hair transplants are priced according to the degree of hair loss and the number of grafts required. While additional grafts may incur a slightly higher cost, the permanent results make the transplant a fantastic investment in both your health and confidence.




How it works

Your vibrant new look awaits!

Don’t let hair loss dim your confidence. Elite Hair Clinic helps you take control of your appearance and restore your hair to its full glory.

Schedule a free consultation today and rediscover your confident self!

CALL US: 1300 840 717

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